Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Ready for Florida

Here's the gang, ready for their vacation. How absolutely blessed these kids are to have Grandparents take them on a holiday like this! Also, a thanks to Cory and Tash for living in Florida, and giving them an excuse to travel. Also, thanks in advance for having these kids in your home.
Can you believe it's 6 a.m. in the morning? We're all up and awake - congratulations to us! What a beautiful day to start a holiday.
Gerald tried to squeeze into the van, but he didn't fit, so he decided to stay home. Okay, he's actually just saying good-bye to the kiddies - but a holiday right now sounds good! But, now here I'm stuck trying to figure out what to do in a quiet house with no kids. Anybody up for coffee? Breakfast? Lunch? How about a trip to the beach? Hmmm, I wonder how crowded the malls are these days? Maybe I'll scrapbook, or read, or weed the garden (mosquitos??), maybe I'll clean my rugs. Coffee anyone???
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Smelly Melly said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm just totally impressed that it's only 10:25 a.m. and you've already got your post up!! Didn't go out for breakie just the 2 of you today? Hey, you know I'm up for coffee! Call me soon.

Jacqui said...

My husband does have a job. He did stick around until around 7 a.m. or so. I did think of you today, but wasn't sure when I could call you, so I did my treadmill, showered and went for a tan.

Anonymous said...

Yay! They're on their way! Tomorrow night we'll have a full house. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Can not wait. We will see your brats soon. lol We know they are good kids.

Smelly Melly said...

I am thinking now that I should have sent Gabrielle along for the ride too....just kiddin. But Aidan is so excited to see you guys he's been raving about it for the past month!

Jacqui said...

Likely couldn't sleep for the past month either! Our kids are going to have a blast together. Enjoy your time with Gabrielle!

Smelly Melly said...

I am enjoying my time with her, she's just getting into everything now that she's become mobile that's all and she drives me a little coo coo bananas sometimes, but I guess you never felt that way?

Jacqui said...

Sorry, sis. I just was wishing you well. My kids were and are totally capable of driving me coo coo bananas too. I just was giving you well wishes while Aidan was away.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha we were at the beach today it was warm and the waves were crashing on us. There are a few lobsters at our house today.


Jacqui said...

Sounds great! Where was the bottle of sunscreen I bought for the kids? Or, maybe you mean lobsters for supper? (hee, hee)

Charlene Martens said...

Looks like fun. Hope they all come back still good "friends". I am sure they will be well taken care of.