Wednesday, July 11, 2007

clean house

The rooms are so clean and quiet!

Mom organized the toy closet, and it stayed organized!
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Smelly Melly said...

Oh my goodness you have alot of time on your hands I see. Ha ha, well I guess it's easier to keep it clean when no one is there to play with it....if only my apt could stay clean....wanna come organize here? ha ha

Jacqui said...

Hey that closet is only one closet. I had three closets and my pantry downstairs I organized too. I just finished tonight. We threw out about 7 bags of garbage and will give about that amount of stuff to the self help. Pitiful, eh? But now it's clean, clean I say, ah ha ha ha. (at least for another two weeks). Now it's time to scrapbook again. Organize your place? hmmm, let me get back to you on that one.

Anonymous said...

When your kids come home all there stuff will be gone.

Jacqui said...

No, no. I just haven't gone through some stuff for a long time. There are a couple of boxes of stuff awaiting their approval though. So no worries - I won't give their stuff away without asking first.

Anonymous said...

Of course you have to say that - they'll be reading your blog ;)