Saturday, June 09, 2007

Jazz in the Park

Okay, so our blog seems to be about band pictures and birthday parties. This was Jonas' last concert with his grade nine jazz band, after meeting together for two years every tuesday and thursday morning at 8 a.m. It was a great concert and we were proud of Jonas and his drum solo too.

Hanging around after cleaning up. Dairy Queen was the celebration place afterwards.
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Cory and Tash Doerksen said...

Was it recorded? Dad said it was really good. Hope to hear more recordings.

Jacqui said...

I didn't even think of bringing my laptop, that would've been a great idea. I did video record a few songs though, it wasn't the best quality, but it's all I got. I don't I can email those though. Sorry. I should have done that when they played in the gym, it would have been a better sound.

Anonymous said...

You can put them on youtube. maybe ask Jonas how to do it.

Anonymous said...

u need 2 put on a pic. of me!!!!!!

Smelly Melly said...

I think someone wants their 15 seconds of fame! Ha ha!

Smelly Melly said...

and by someone I meant that "anonymous" someone!!!