Sunday, March 18, 2007

Muffy's Bath

You don't even want to know why our cat needed a bath, but she did. First step, find a place the cat can't escape. Forget trying to dunk the cat - just pour the water on any cat you try to bathe.
Not so fluffy Muffy.
"I am not impressed"
Well, the blow drying is a little better.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"not-so-fluffy Muffy"...very funny! I can tell everyone why Muffy needed a shower, but I won't because you're right, it's gross. All I'll say is that my "alarm clock" that morning was "Houston, we have a problem."

Did you hear about all the pet food recalls? One of the symptoms of the tainted pet food (something to do with a new wheat gluten this company was using) was, well, you know...the "d" word.