Thursday, December 07, 2006

Winter in Manitoba

Looks like the guys are relaxing a little too much.
Wow, look at all those cat toys on this thing!
The hot tub in the gazebo is much warmer than the snow outside.
Notice the warm footwear on the Junior High student? It was a minus 37 windchill this day.
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Anonymous said...

But it's also true that lockers are miniscule, and that there is a capable driver that could have picked me up from school. But no biggie

Anonymous said...

I will not let you know who I am but BURRRRRRRRRRRRRR!@#@$@##$

Anonymous said...

Is this 'anonymous' person perhaps CELINE????

Anonymous said...

Of course not. (not all of them anyway.)

Jacqui said...

Okay, I know the first one is Celine, but I don't know who the another anonymous one is. Good guess Tash!