Celine had a volleyball tournament last Saturday with her grade 8 volleyball team. They had a good time together and we really enjoyed watching her and her team play. Go Knights!
Well, it's happened. Jonas has entered the work force. A & W - here he comes! Here he is just before leaving for his first official work shift. Likely bussing tables, scrubbling toilets - maybe even flipping a burger or two. Maybe that will come with his first promotion. Well, we're proud of Jonas, and wish him many happy work hours at A & W. mmm, onion rings and rootbeer...
Gerald bought me this lovely hand carved bowl with salad spoon/fork and necklace/earrings from Ten Thousand Villages. Thanks!!!
Notice the lovely picture on the wall? A chalk drawing of us on our honeymoon at Stanley Park.
See my lovely Gimme my timmies Shirt (and no one gets hurt)? I received some lovely gifts from friends and family. But, the best present was that so many people came to celebrate my birthday with me. Thanks everyone - I love you all!